Friday, December 27, 2019

Was William Taft an Effective President - 552 Words

A fat guy stuck in a bathtub? Or an effective President? Though President Taft was mostly thought of as the man who had to be lifted out of the bathtub, in reality, he was much more than that. President William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States. But, was he any good? Although Taft is not a famous president (aside from the only thing that people actually remember him for), he did make some very important contributions to our country. Persistence and intelligence are two of the most important qualities of an effective president. President Taft had both of these qualities, and that is part of what made him an effective president. Even before his presidency, Taft was a lawman. His first venture into politics and law was becoming Assistant Prosecutor of Hamilton County, Ohio. In 1887, he was appointed judge of the superior court in Cincinnati. At age 32, he became the Solicitor General of President Benjamin Harrison. He was the youngest person to receive this position at the time. From 1901 to 1904, he was the first civilian Governor-General of the Philippines. The last position he held before his he became president was Roosevelt’s secretary of war in 1904. All of these positions gave him political experience, which prepared him for presidency. Taft was extremely intelligent. As a young adult, he attended Yale College. He graduated 2nd in his class and received a bachelor’s degree in law. He was also highly educated in politics. His proposals asShow MoreRelatedThe Progressive Era Of The Revolutionary Era1723 Words   |  7 PagesWhich of the primary features of grassroots Progressivism was the most essential to the continued growth and success of the reformist movement? Why? The root of the Progressive Era comes from the emergence of industrialism in the United States had created some terrible problems and they wanted to work together to change the U.S government. Therefore, address the problems that had come about from the Industrial Revolution. The progressive era was all about making advances in a better society, the featureRead MoreThe Gilded Age1159 Words   |  5 Pagesclasses, and government authority, were issues carried into the early 20th century. Resulting from these issues were those that emerged, causing a reform movement, the Progressive Era. These leaders included Woodrow Wilson, incumbent President William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and Eugene V. Debs. These candidates in the Presidential Election of 1912 campaigns were dominated by the reform efforts. While the candidates had the similar desire to reform the nation, their plans contrasted in theRead MoreWilliam Howard Taft : The President Of The United States2349 Words   |  1 0 PagesWilliam Howard Taft served one term as the 27th President of the United States from 1909 until 1913. While he is perhaps best known for his plump figure and the embarrassing bathtub incident he endured while in the White House, Taft is also the only person in United States history to have held both the offices of President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Prior to securing the Republican Party’s presidential nomination and subsequently winning election in 1908, Taft served in various judicialRead MoreThe President Of The United States1342 Words   |  6 Pages The President of the United States is often referred to as the most powerful person in the world. This position offers presidents a unique opportunity to reach a large audience and to command its attention. Presidents frequently use this advantage as a â€Å"bully pulpit† to persuade citizens and to vote for favored legislation. Theodore Roosevelt first used the term bully pulpit to describe the way he used the press to prod legislators to accept his policies. Although this tactic was used to strengthenRead More Theodore Roosevelt Essay4300 Words   |  18 PagesTheodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was fond of quoting an old African proverb that admonished people to speak softly and carry a big stick. Ironically, it was his thunderous voice that made him president, earned him enemies and brought him friends. That voice also made him the bulwark of the Progressive Movement. On October 27, 1858, Roosevelt was born on East Twentieth Street in New York City to Martha Bulloch, who he described as a sweet gracious, beautiful Southern Woman andRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States865 Words   |  4 Pages From 1900 to 1920 a political group called the progressives demanded change and more government involvement after the gilded age where there barely was any action taken by the government. While the progressives were becoming more and more popular among politicians and people they brought reform and change to the United States. The progressives brought change through industries, social movements and the economy. The progressives, (as their name suggests) brought progress to America that forever changedRead MoreThe Civil War And Reconstruction1357 Words   |  6 Pageshuge process of reconstruction to unifying and reconstructing the war-torn state. The nation still remained utterly divided between North and South in essentially all aspects of life in cluding religion, race, and government. President Andrew Johnson,who succeeded President Abraham Lincoln enacted various policies in order to unite the country. These policies included friendly policies that pardoned Southerners while also restoring democracy. The reconstruction brought the necessary reparationsRead MoreImperialism Cartoons Vs. Japanese Imperialism1537 Words   |  7 Pagesan imperial power. Their ultimate goal was to influence other areas around the world for their own benefit, interest, and advancement. Countries become imperialistic for various reasons such as economics (secure markets), military power (excessive force and control), and political reasons (nationalism). In order to extend their power, they used these three main components to their advantage essentially to imperialize as many nations as possible. Morality was used to justify or excuse the actions andRead MoreImperialism Cartoons Vs. Japanese Imperialism1539 Words   |  7 Pagesan imperial powe r. Their ultimate goal was to influence other areas around the world for their own benefit, interest, and advancement. Countries become imperialistic for various reasons such as economics (secure markets), military power (excessive force and control), and political reasons (nationalism). In order to extend their power, they used these three main components to their advantage essentially to imperialize as many nations as possible. Morality was used to justify or excuse the actions andRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt : The First Modern President Of The United States Essay1187 Words   |  5 PagesTheodore Roosevelt is widely thought of as the first modern President of the United States. The influence that the office has today began to develop during Roosevelt’s time in office. His impact is one that will not be forgotten. Theodore Roosevelt made many great contributions to the world. He was born into a prestigious and wealthy family on October 27, 1858 in New York City. He was given the nickname Teddy by his parents Theodore and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt and his three brothers and sisters

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Influence of Magazines on Indian Women - 820 Words

Influence of lifestyle magazines on Indian women. Introduction. Most women today live in fashion. There is that natural desire in every woman to look good, feel good and live well. Popular fashion magazines are the ultimate source of the most modern fashion trends. They are a womans best friend in terms of looking hip, stylish and trendy. If women would like to know the latest in fashion and trends that will make them feel best about themselves, they get themselves lifestyle magazines. Lifestyle magazines are becoming more and more of a trend in todays fashionable world and finding the one that you would like best can be hard. Over the years lifestyle magazines have evolved with the times. Editors have worked hard to establish†¦show more content†¦these magazines don’t cost much but they are to help you be at your best. Objectives of the study 1. To find out the extent lifestyle magazines influence Indian women 2. To find out what information Indian women look for in the magazines 3. To find out if they incorporate the tips and advices in their daily life 4. To find out how much information they take in and how much they filter out 5. To find out if it is worth it for them to spend money on the magazines. Literature review. According to the article â€Å" Do fashion magazines influence Indian women?† by Deepa Roy, the fashion magazines, in their new avatar, not only contain beauty tips, fashion trends and glossy photographs of film actresses and models but they also tell how women can look and feel good in spite of being busy. Not only looks, they also tell how women can remain healthy as true beauty comes from within. These fashion magazines, particularly those published in India, focus on such natural ways as Yoga, Ayurvedic and Home Remedies for beauty treatments, health tips etc. to make Indian women truly fit and well. As far as fashion and style is concerned, they not only cover whats going on in society and what the fashion designers are doing but sometimes set the trends themselves She also says, Magazines are for taking ideas and not as a support forShow MoreRelatedHarpers Bazar As A Fashion Illustration Essay1001 Words   |  5 PagesMy chosen illustration for this image analysis is a fashion illustration from the 20th century called La Cage Improvisà ©e. It was used as the cover for the July 1922 magazine publication of Harper’s Bazar. The cover illustration was accompanied by the title, the year of the publication, and the price of the magazine. â€Å"Bazar assembles photographers, designers, artists and writers to deliver perspectives into the world of fashion and popular culture on a monthly basis† (Georgievska 1). At the beginningRead MoreEssay on Fashion in the 1960s and 1970 s1003 Words   |  5 Pagesend of the sixties, pop music was the main force in fashion. In Europe and America, underground music played a big part, with underground magazines, festivals, and groups during 1966-67. Drugs such as marijuana and hallucinogens like LSD were more widely used outside of a small circle of musicians and artists. Sounds of blues, jazz, rock, electronic, Indian, and classical had inspiration in psychedelic music. Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix were leaders of this long hair, drugs, and music scene. OtherRead MoreCultural Imperialism : Western And Chinese Society1845 Words   |  8 Pagesexerting this power through the media. The front cover of India’s Elle magazine (March 2013) and McDonald’s 2012 Manly Man Beef advertisement in Beijing, are both texts that display the prominent influences of cultural imperialism in practice. This essay seeks to highlight how Western societies, through the utilisation of media, have begun to modify the representation of gender - especially amongst the female sex - in Indian and Chinese society. The media is the driving force of cultural imperialismRead MoreMonsoon Wedding : Indian Culture924 Words   |  4 PagesIn the film Monsoon Wedding, Indian culture is illustrated i n the practices of the traditional Punjabi wedding. The wedding in the film was arranged as is the norm in Indian culture. Thought the wedding was rushed it was not forced. Aditi wanted to be married having realised the uncertainty of her previous relationship with a married man. Moreover, in the Indian culture, the father of the bride is responsible for financing the wedding and providing a dowry for the in-laws. Which Lalit, does butRead MoreAlbert Kinsey Helped Change The American Public s Preconceptions On Sexuality935 Words   |  4 Pagesdealing with marriage, sexual gratification, and sexual orientation. Sex was deemed important for a healthy marriage, adultery was frequent and homosexuals weren’t weird anomalies. Hugh Hefner, who founded Playboy Magazine, was a proponent of sexual freedom who began circulating his magazine in 1953 with Marilyn Monroe as his first centerfold model. Hefner capitalized on the changing attitudes on sex and parlayed them into a very profitable enterprise. A catalyst of that enterprise, Marilyn Monroe soonRead MoreThe Brotherhood Of Ice Wine And India Doesn t Go Back Ages879 Words   |  4 Pagestime. As previously discussed India residing over 1.2 billion residents, being the second most populated nation in the world has approximately one-sixth of the consumer base market. The Indian economy shows scope of tremendous growth in terms of opportunity and development. CUSTOMERS The growing Indian economy dominates the Southern Asian section with its urban centres backed by private sectors which grow not only with its knowledge capacity but also technologically. With the availabilityRead MoreTelevision As Birth Control By Fred Pearce762 Words   |  4 PagesAngeles, and the University of Chicago, respectively..(Pearce). The central issue the high birth rate of poor women in developing nations and their impact on the overall population. In the article, Pearce suggests that TV programs depicting modern urban lifestyles could decrease the birth rate in developing areas. He notes â€Å"that, the rural women are exposed to images of successful women, who work outside of the home, run their own businesses, and control money, they achieved those things by havingRead MoreHow Is Folklore Changing with the Urbanization of Our Society680 Words   |  3 Pagesarchaic customs and traditions. It has enabled us to answer questions like â€Å"Who are we† and discover our roots. History of Indian Folklore Scholars have always been under a fake impression and have associated villagers with folk and seen folklores as something rigid. The Indian Folk comprises of the urban elite as much as the villagers, tribals. The very first printed Indian folklore collection was by Mary Frere, the daughter of Bombay’s Governor in 1868. Such collections were given a lot of importanceRead MoreEffects Of Cultural Appropriation On The Fashion Industry1316 Words   |  6 PagesWinter 23 October 2015 The Effects of Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry is one of the most prevalent and visible forms of influence on today’s society. Billboards, malls, magazines, TV, movies, advertisements, runways, etc. are filled with fashion campaigns usually distributed to make a statement and to influence the consumers. Often times, the fashion industry engages in offensive promotions like romanticizing eating less and the â€Å"thigh gap† or producing clothingRead MoreThe Psychological Effects Of Eating Disorders1324 Words   |  6 Pagesthe mirror and feels fat, or opens a cosmopolitan magazine to see a size 00 girl advertising a new diet and starts to feel insecure, or goes to every length on earth to lose weight, but what women don t realize is that those are all influences leading to eating disorders. Women are strongly affected by eating disorders in North America. Many societal, cultural and physiological aspects contribute to the impact that eating disorders have upon women. Psychological aspect of eating disorder The

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sovereignty and Security in South East Asia free essay sample

A discussion of the concepts of sovereignty and security in South East Asia and their importance to stability in the region. This article argues that a new conception of sovereignty is inextricably related to the rise of human security issues. The paper discusses the fact that for decades, Southeast Asia has been seen as a region of prosperity and stability. The writer claims that this suggestion becomes very shaky with the new conception of security in relations to human rights protection. In 1999, Kofi Annan, the secretary general of the United Nations, delivered a speech titled Two concepts of sovereignty. In this speech, he addressed the issues of humanitarian intervention, which has become increasingly important. He suggested that individual security is no less important that state security. He cited the East Timor as a case to questioning the value of state sovereignty in the face of humanitarian crises that calls for an international action. We will write a custom essay sample on Sovereignty and Security in South East Asia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This leads us to question whether the implied conception of security and the new interpretation of security in the speech would enhance security in Southeast Asia.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mcse Analyisis Essays - Telecommuting, Working Time, Computer

Mcse Analyisis Job Task MCSE Analysis: Report to Participants Michael Angelo Southern Illinois University June 1999 Overview and Summary In preparation for new MCSE examinations, between February 19th and March 16th of 1999 more than 2,800 computer professionals completed a survey via the web. The purpose of the survey was a job analysis--a description of the on-the-job activities necessary for positions that MCSEs fill. Both employment tests and certifications must be based on job analyses . Because of the rapidly evolving nature of the workplace, especially in the technology area, the job analysis did not follow traditional procedures that enumerate lists of specific behaviors. Rather, working with a group of subject matter experts , the job analysis was based on the Job Task Matrix shown in Figure 1. This matrix combined six job duties and eight technical areas. Survey respondents rated the importance, difficulty and frequency of each combination of job duty and technical area. Contextual information was also gathered on work environment and professional background. Some 2,829 computer professionals from 86 countries participated in this study. Fifty-four percent worked mostly in the United States. Two-thirds of respondents were MCSEs and half of these were MCSE +Is. Respondents reported spending an average of 93% of their time on the job duties included in the study. This finding confirms the comprehensiveness of the Job Task Matrix Respondents rated job tasks (individual cells in the Job Task Matrix) as Moderately to Very Important, as Moderately Difficult, and as done Monthly to Weekly. The high importance assigned to all job tasks further supports the comprehensiveness of the study. The technical areas of Security, Reliability & Availability and Network Infrastructure received the highest importance ratings. The areas of Resources, Hardware Devices & Drivers and Desktop Computing Environment were judged to be less difficult than the other technical areas. Interoperability was the technical area encountered least frequently. The job duty of Troubleshooting was the most important, and this duty along with Analysis and Design were the most difficult. Job duties in the areas of Management, Monitoring & Optimization and Troubleshooting were encountered most frequently. The emphasis assigned to specific job tasks in the certification process should parallel the ratings assigned by respondents to this survey. Methodology Job Task Matrix & Rating Scales The core of the job analysis was the Job Task Matrix that crossed six job duties with eight technical areas . Figure 1 presents the matrix and Table 1 defines the technical areas. Each cell of the matrix represents a specific task that subject-matter experts identified as part of the job of an MCSE. Examples of specific job tasks for first row of Figure 1 were: -Analyze the business requirements for the system architecture. -Design a system architecture solution that meets business requirements. -Deploy, install, and configure the components of the system architecture. -Manage the components of the system architecture on an ongoing basis. -Monitor and optimize the components of the system architecture. -Diagnose and resolve problems regarding the components of the system architecture. Using 5-point scales, survey respondents rated each cell in Figure 1: (a) on the importance of the job task [matrix cell] for successfully performing [their] job; (b) on the difficulty in becoming proficient at the job task; and (c) on the frequency of performing the tasks . Order of presentation of the technical areas was randomized for each respondent. The order of job duties was fixed. Job DutyTechnical Areas Analysis Design Deploy, Install & Configure Manage Monitor & Optimize Troubleshoot, Repair & Restore System Architecture Security Network Infrastructure Resources Desktop Computing Environment Hardware Devices & Drivers Reliability & Availability Interoperability Figure 1. MCSE Job Task Matrix Work Place, Product Support and Demographic Questions To understand the context of responses to the job analysis questions, the survey asked questions about respondents work environment, product support and professional background. Table 2 summarizes these questions. Table 1. Technical Area Definitions for Job Task Matrix Technical Area Labels Definition System Architecture Unified directory services such as Active Directory and Windows NT domains. Connectivity between and within systems, system components, and applications. Examples include Exchange Server connectors and SMS senders. Data replication such as directory replication and database replication. Security Controlling access to resources; Auditing access to resources; Authentication; Encryption. Network Infrastructure Network topology; Routing; IP addressing; Name resolution such as WINS and DNS; Virtual private networks; Remote access; Telephony solutions. Resources

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lorita Utagba Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, Radical Feminists

Lorita Utagba Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, Radical Feminists Lorita Utagba English 1100 Writing project 4 final draft December 7, 2016. Vivian Gornick' experience with her mother Do I have your attention yet? As a youth, I have always wanted to do what I want in life, I never want to be controlled by my mother that is why I have been having difficulty with my relationship with my mother. My mother and I, I have always had misunderstanding because of house chores and about people that her my friend. I have always felt unhappy whenever she disgraces me at the present of my friends. Whenever she was me to go to church with her, there will always be a problem every Sundays. There is a day she slapped me in the present of my friends for inviting them over without her permission. I knew at that time we will never be along but with time, I understand what she is trying to do for me. Vivian Gornick is an American critic and journalist with a dazzling writing capability. She is among the wonderful writers who write about their life. A lot of people are interested in Vivian Gornick because she writes about experiences in life. Vivian Gornick's story has made me realize that there is no child that doesn't have misunderstanding with his/her parents. Her story reminds me of how I have been on and off with my mother because we have a difficult relationship. Vivian Gornick was born June 14, 1935 in the Bronx, New York is an American critic, journalist, essayist, and memoirist. She was a reporter for the village voice from 1969 to 1977. Her work has also appeared in the New York Times, the Nation, the Atlantic monthly, and many other publications. She has published eleven books. Vivian Gornick has written about herself in marriage, friendship and as a daughter. As a woman living alone in New York. She has always had difficulty with writing. Vivian Gornick memoirs include Fierce Attachment (1987). Fierce Attachment is about her childhood in the Bronx and lifelong antagonism with her mother. Vivian Gornick self-narrative is a form of cultural criticism. Gornick uses her own experiences and her willingness to write about her experiences to tell a larger social story which has become the hallmark of her writing. While she acknowledges her Jewish background in much of her work, what led Vivian Gornick into writing was how she saw the relations between men and women were changing fast, so she registered those changes around her and wrote it in her own reading for people to read and understand what her articles are all about. Vivian Gornick was the finalist for the National book critics circle awards. Vivian Gornick writes in the Odd Woman and the City, a non-fiction hybrid that is part memoir, part cultural criticism. Gornick's New York City, where she lives and writes and belongs. Her articles "Fierce Attachment" which is parts of her books. Vivian Gornick tells the story of her lifelong battle with her mother for independence. Vivian Gornick was born and raised in the Bronx, the daughter of "urban peasants." Gornick grew up in a household dominated by her intelligent but her mother's romantic depression over the early death of her husband. There was a lady who lived next door, who was an attractive widow whose calculating sensuality appeals greatly to Vivian. Gornick walks with her aged mother through the streets of New York, arguing and remembering the past each wins the reader's admiration. Blair, Elaine (page 35) Fierce Attachment is one of the most remarkable documents of family feeling that has been written, a classic that helped start the memoir boom and remains one of the most moving examples of the genre. Vivian Gornick's relationship with her mother is difficult. At the age of forty-five she regularly meets her mother for strolls along the streets of Manhattan. Her mother knew her daughter hated her because she believes Gornick has been tracking her lifelong struggle for independence. Vivian Gornick has taught creative writing for decades and the repository of her experience. Vivian Gornick story always essentially reflect to her personal experience. She always analyzes the writer's lives and sees their essays as much as possible. Vivian Gornick essay fierce

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Classroom Management Essays

Classroom Management Essays Classroom Management Paper Classroom Management Paper Madeline Hunter ITIP=Instructional Theory Into Practice program attempted to translate findings in educational psychology into practical strategies that improved instruction. Helped teachers understand the need to develop clear instructional goals, state these to students, provide effective direct instruction, and monitor students progress. Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Jere Brophy Maximizing student egagement ; Four areas of knowledge and skill 1) CM should be based on a solid understanding of current research and theory in CM and students personal and psychological needs. 2) CM depends on creating a positive classroom climate and a community of support by establishing positive teacher-student and peer relationships having positive involvement with students parents and caregivers. 3) CM involves using instructional methods that facilitate optimal learning by responding to the academic needs of individual students and the classroom group. 4) CM involves the ability to use a wide range of counseling and behavioral methods that involve students in examining and correcting their inappropriate behavior. Lee Canter Originator of Assertive Discipline method no student has a right to prevent a teacher from teaching or another student from learning Canter later stated: Imposing more and more rules and harsher consequences doesnt work. ;Discipline should be built on a foundation of moral trust and respect. George Sugai Positive  Behavior Support: â€Å"Pupil achievements behavior can be influenced (for the better or worse) by overall characteristics of school†¦.this means focus on features promoting good functioning at classroom, departmental or whole school level.† Alfie Kohn Schools will best serve students and our society most productively if they focus on producing not only good learners, but good people. Schools are ideal places to nurture childrens innate sense of caring and generosity of spirit. Rudolf Dreikurs Social Discipline model is based on the four basic premises of Adlers social theory. 1. Humans are social beings and their basic motivation is to belong 2. All behavior has a purpose 3. Humans are decision-making organisms 4. Humans only perceive reality and this perception may be mistaken or biased The four goals of misbehavior are: attention getting, the contest for power, seeking revenge, and displaying inadequacy. Dreikurs promoted the use of encouragement and logical (and natural) consequences rather than reward and punishment. William Glasser __________ body of work, known as Control Theory, was renamed Choice Theory    Choice Theory, states that a person’s behavior is inspired by what that person wants or needs at that particular time, not an outside stimulus. Glasser states that all living creatures control their behavior to fulfill their need for satisfaction in one or more of these five areas: survival, to belong and be loved by others, to have power and importance, freedom and independence, and to have fun Stanley Coopersmith In order to possess high self-esteem, individuals need to experience a sense of significance, competence, and power. Trust and personal involvement as well as a sense of accomplishment or competence if their needs are to be met. Positive two-way relationship where both parties care about each other. Erik Erikson Each stage of life is associated with a specific psychological struggle, a struggle that contributes to a major aspect of personality.   8 Stages of Psychosocial development Developmental progression- from trust to autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity, and integrity- was conceived as the sequential reorganization of ego and character structures. Each phase was the potential root of later health and pathology.      David Elkind Three basic contracts between adults and children: Responsibility-freedom = adults sensitively monitoring the childs level of intellectual, social, and emotional development in order to provide freedoms and and opportunities to exercise responsibility Achievement-support = adults expecting age appropriate achievements and providing the necessary personal and material support to help children reach these goals. Loyalty-commitment = Emphasizes adults expectations that children will respond with loyalty and acceptance of adults because of the time, effort, and energy adults give. Joan Lipsitz Expert in Early Adolescence Adults fail to understand E.A. School environments need to meet the needs for: Diversity opportunities for self-exploration and self-definition meaningful participation in school and community positive social interaction with peers and adults physical activity competence and achievement structure and clear limits Gordon-Teacher Effectiveness Training The relationship between a teacher and a student is good when it has: Openness or Transparency (so each is able to risk directness and honest with the other.) Caring (when each knows they are valued by the other) Interdependence (as opposed to dependency of one on the other) Separateness (to allow each to grow and to develop his uniqueness, creativity, and individuality) Mutual Needs Meeting (so that neithers needs are met at the expense of the others needs) Glasser-Reality Therapy Reality therapy is firmly based on  choice theory  and its successful application is dependent on a strong understanding of choice theory.   Choice theory states that:  all we do is behave,  that almost all behavior is chosen, and  that we are driven by our genes to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun. Dreikurs- dealing with the causes of misbehavior We should realize that a misbehaving child is only a discouraged child trying to find his place; he is acting on the faulty logic that his misbehaviour will give him the social acceptance which he desires. When a child is deprives of the;opportunity;to gain status through his useful;contributions, the usually seeks proof of his status in class through getting attention Attention Avoidance/Escape Control Revenge Self-Regulation/Coping Play Jim Fay- Love and Logic There are four beliefs that form the foundation of Love and Logic. They are: Discipline is effective when it is a central part of learning. Misbehavior finds its roots in discouragement and control issues. Modeling of self-disciplined behavior is our best teaching tool. The most critical component of discipline is the relationship that is built between the teacher and the student ; There are also four principles of Love and Logic as listed in Discipline with Love and Logic by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., 1997. They are: The students self-concept is always a prime consideration. The child is always left with a feeling that he/she has some control. An equal balance of consequences and empathy replaces punishment whenever possible. The student is required to do more thinking than the adult.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Breast Cancer Treatments Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy Essay

Breast Cancer Treatments Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy - Essay Example Consequently, both are the main choices of patients and physicians in treating the disease. Both procedures are also found to have equal survival rates. However, with the increasing awareness of women afflicted with breast cancer on the impact of surgery on their psychological state related to loss of their breast, more and more women are resorting to a less invasive treatment which is lumpectomy and adjuvant therapies. Added to this is the notion that mastectomy is over used. Lumpectomy is a surgical removal of the breast lump including some normal tissues. Although, lumpectomy and adjuvant therapies are preferred methods of treatment for most women with breast cancer, their use is bombarded with several controversies. Body One distinct issue with lumpectomy includes the inadequate outcome data to the extent of its use and efficacy. Clinical trials included insufficient size to establish a convincing result of its application. Although, there had been multiple randomized trials of l umpectomy in patients with or without radiation, it was found out that the survival rates are based solely on unpublished analysis. In addition, participants in several studies were over treated producing a bias result. This was revealed in the study by Cumming (n.d) where he added that using a meta- analysis pose a risk on grounds that methods might be a concern. Cumming also found out that in the case of ductal carcinoma alone, data is limited to show importance of lumpectomy and other treatments following it. Consensus among pathologists on pathologic staging is also a question because there is no recommendation as to the exact stage lumpectomy is effective. It was further revealed that studies on radiation therapy after lumpectomy had no uniform techniques in using different radiotherapy agent such as iridium, electron beam, and cesium needle brachytherapy. Added to the above problem is controversy surrounding the falsified claim that lumpectomy with adjuvant therapy was as effe ctive as mastectomy. The lead investigators are found to commit misconduct with the result of their study of not providing the correct result of their study. Although, lumpectomy has been found to be effective with the early stages of cancer, its credibility was damaged because of the controversy which ruined the trust not only of patients but the public in general towards lumpectomy and adjuvant therapies. This shows that not only the lack of data on the efficacy of lumpectomy combined with adjuvant therapies is a problem but is accompanied with several other problems. Interestingly though, the study published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute ( 2004) reported that there is a significant decrease in the recurrence in the number of patients who went through lumpectomy with radiotherapy however not in lumpectomy alone. There is also no survival advantage even with the addition of radiotherapy. Similar with the study of Cumming, the JNCI reported that information from curren t and previous studies are found to be deficient in attesting that lumpectomy in combination with adjuvant therapy is more promising. Whether lumpectomy is a choice of the patient or the physician, cost is also an issue for the choice of therapy among women with breast cancer. Lumpectomy with radiation therapy is more costly than mastectomy. Munoz and company (1986) found out in their