Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf Review

'Mrs. Dalloway' by Virginia Woolf Review Mrs. Dalloway is an intricate and convincing pioneer novel by Virginia Woolf. It is an awesome investigation of its chief characters. The tale goes into the awareness of the individuals it takes as it subjects, making an amazing, mentally credible impact. Albeit appropriately numbered among the most celebrated pioneer scholars -, for example, Proust, ​​Joyce, and ​Lawrence - Woolf is regularly viewed as an a lot gentler craftsman, coming up short on the obscurity of the male unexpected of the development. With Mrs. Dalloway, however, Woolf made an instinctive and steady vision of frenzy and a frightful plunge into its profundities. Diagram Mrs. Dalloway follows a lot of characters as they approach their lives on a typical day. The eponymous character, Clarissa Dalloway, does straightforward things: she gets a few blossoms, strolls in a recreation center, is visited by an old companion and sets up a gathering. She addresses a man who was once enamored with her, who despite everything accepts that she settled by wedding her government official spouse. She converses with a female companion with whom she was once infatuated. At that point, in the last pages of the book, she finds out about a poor lost soul who hurled himself from a specialists window onto a line of railings. Septimus This man is the second character focal in Mrs. Dalloway. His name is Septimus Smith. Shell-stunned after his encounters in ​World War I, he is a supposed psycho who hears voices. He was once infatuated with an individual warrior named Evansa apparition who frequents him all through the novel. His illness is established in his dread and his suppression of this illegal love. At long last, tired of a world that he accepts is bogus and stunning, he ends it all. The two characters whose encounters structure the center of the novel - Clarissa and Septimus - share various similitudes. Indeed, Woolf saw Clarissa and Septimus as increasingly like two unique parts of a similar individual, and the linkage between the two is underlined by a progression of complex reiterations and mirrorings. Unbeknownst to Clarissa and Septimus, their ways cross various occasions for the duration of the day - similarly as a portion of the circumstances in their lives followed comparative paths.Clarissa and Septimus were infatuated with their very own individual sex, and both stifled their loves in light of their social circumstances. Indeed, even as their lives mirror, equal, and cross - Clarissa and Septimus take various ways in the last snapshots of the novel. Both are existentially uncertain on the planets they possess - one picks life, while the different ends it all. A Note on Style of Mrs. Dalloway Woolfs style - she is one of the most chief defenders of what has gotten known as continuous flow - permits perusers into the psyches and hearts of her characters. She additionally joins a degree of mental authenticity that Victorian books were always unable to accomplish. The consistently is rethought: interior procedures are opened up in her composition, recollections go after consideration, musings emerge unprompted, and the profoundly huge and the absolutely trifling are treated with equivalent significance. Woolfs writing is additionally tremendously lovely. She has an uncommon capacity to make the standard back and forth movement of the brain sing.Mrs. Dalloway is etymologically innovative, yet the novel likewise has a tremendous add up to state about its characters. Woolf handles their circumstances with poise and regard. As she examines Septimus and his crumbling into franticness, we see a representation that draws extensively from Woolfs own encounters. Woolfs continuous flo w style drives us to encounter the franticness. We hear the contending voices of mental soundness and craziness. Woolfs vision of franticness doesn't excuse Septimus as an individual with an organic deformity. She treats the awareness of the maniac as something separated, significant in itself, and something from which the magnificent embroidery of her novel could be woven.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Talk to a Teacher About a Bad Grade TKG

How to Talk to a Teacher About a Bad Grade We’ve all been there. And let us be the first to tell you: it’s going to be okay. But most of the time, poor grades on your transcript are avoidable. It’s not like you get As on all of your papers and then all of a sudden get a C in the class because the teacher feels like it. Course grades are a cumulative reflection on how you did over a period of time, and oftentimes, students don’t react as quickly as they should to warning signs like Bs or Cs on papers or tests before the final grades are submitted.  We actually see these moments as opportunities for improvement and connection; improvement in your work accuracy and connection with your teacher. The key is to act quickly and seek help upon receiving a poor grade on any assignment so that it doesn’t impact your overall grade in the course.    The ultimate goal is to set a meeting with your teacher to determine next steps and ensure that this one bad grade doesn’t turn into a pattern. This not only shows that you care a bout your grade, but it shows that you’re willing to spend your free time and go above and beyond to understand what the teacher is looking for and how to improve. That counts for a lot. Think about it: if you have an 89.3 average and your teacher is debating whether or not to round up to a 90 (A-), or round down to 89 (B+), and you’ve been coming in once-a-week for self-guided tutoring? They’re getting that A-.  Here are the five steps you need to complete to ensure that one C on a paper or test doesn’t spiral into a bruise on your transcript:  Collect your thoughts (and take a deep breath)Okay. Here we are. You get your assignment back, along with everyone else, and you flip it over. It’s not good. You either quickly shove it in your folder or begin to get a bit panicky. Or, if you’re like us, both. Firstly, try to take a deep breath and do your best to table the issue until you get home after school. It’s okay to take the day to just get through it, complete all of your meetings and obligations, and to do so excellently. Don’t let it turn into a shame spiral, but don’t forget about it. We’re just tabling it.    Gather your data  When you get home, retrieve the dreaded test or paper and carefully review the comments and feedback alone. Notice where you went wrong and where the points of contention were. And then read it over again with a blank sheet of paper next to you to write down themes.  If it’s a test, are there concepts that seem to be missing or confusing for you across the board? Like, did you get all three questions about the cell structure wrong? That likely means that you’re missing a chunk of the curriculum and need specific clarification. This is particularly important to pay attention to in math classes, because they’re cumulative. Or were your errors more scattered and less consistent than that?  It’s also important to think about how you approached completing the assignment. If it’s a test, do you have one way o f studying? What is it? That’s helpful to share with your teacher. And if it’s a paper, were the expectations clear? Was there a rubric? Take notes on any and all themes that you’re noticing. And, questions. Write down any and all questions that are unclear to you. The more data you have, the better, in terms of feedback, questions, and areas for improvement. And if you truly don’t know what went wrong, that’s okay. That can be the guiding question that you bring to the table. But do your research.  Reaching outEmail your teacher or speak to them in-person the next day once you’ve gotten some sleep and armed yourself with data. Keep it brief and plan to offer some times you might have available within the first 48 hours of receiving the grade. The email can go something like this:  Dear Mr. Math,I hope you’re well. I was truly disappointed to receive my recent grade and would very much like to schedule a time to review it with you. I have free periods on Tuesdays at 11 am and am free during lunch. Please let me know the soonest you might be available.  Thank you,Student  An in-person conversation might go something like this:  â€œHi Mr. Math. How are you? I’d love to find a time to come in and sit down with you to review my recent test grade. When might work for you today or tomorrow?”Preparing for the conversationAlright, it’s on the calendar. Prepare for this conversation by reviewing your data. Be prepared to review themes and questions with your teacher. Your goals are to:Diagnose the problemThe themes! Discuss them with your teacher and ask them if they agree or disagree.Gain clarificationThe questions! Ask them and take notes.Create next stepsThe solution! Will you come in for tutoring? Can you do an extra-credit assignment to improve your grade on this assignment? What are the concrete next steps that you can put in place to address this issue? Your teacher will help you come up with a plan.Following Up  It’s all about execution and holding yourself accountable. Regardless of what you decided, it’s crucial that you follow-through. So be realistic about your time commitments to one-on-one meetings and deadlines moving forward. The clearer you are about your desire to improve and the tangible steps that you can take to turn your grade around, the better the outcome will be.  Let us know if you have any questions. Getting a bad grade can be tough, but the worst thing you can do is to sweep it under the rug and hope that it’ll go away. We can help.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Classical View Of Employment And Income - 1523 Words

Through the main economic schools of thought I will explain why reaching full employment may not be possible. I will be going into detail on the classical view of full employment, and the Keynesian view of full employment to help you understand better how each school viewed full employment, and how to achieve it. The classical view gives you a look into the supply side of the economy using Say’s law and the Say’s law flow diagram. Most economists followed the classical view up until the 1930’s. Then John Maynard Keynes influenced the world with the Keynesian Revolution. Keynes believed that demand is what should be the focus instead of supply. He also believed that the economy tends towards equilibrium and not full employment. Both of these schools of thought bring interesting arguments against full employment and how they can achieve it. I feel I must begin with the classical view of employment and income. The classical view of employment and income began in 1776 and lasted all the way up until the early 1930’s. The main belief of the classical economists was that the economy would automatically adjust itself toward full employment. They got their predictions using â€Å"Say’s Law†, which means â€Å"Supply creates its own demand†. In other words that businesses would create enough income to produce the right amount of output. Say’s law explained that the economy would reach full employment if all the people seeking jobs were willing to work for the wage that is equal to theirShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Economists and Keynes: the Debate on Government Policy Activism1189 Words   |  5 Pageseconomist John Maynard Keynes, and the classical economists of his time, whose economic foundations lay in Alfred Marshall’s seminal work, the Principles of Economic. 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These classical economists believed capitalism was the foundation for an efficient economy where little to no government intervention was recognizedRead MoreMacroeconomic Theories Of Macroeconomics And Classical Economics999 Words   |  4 PagesThere are two major macroeconomic theories that economists use to describe the economy. Those theories are Keynesian and Classical. Each theory has a different approach to the economic study of monetary policies, consumer behaviors, and government spending. A few distinctions separate the two theories. Classical economics is the theory that free markets will restore full employment without government intervention. They believe that the markets function best without the government getting involved.Read MoreIs Lm Model On Economics Of The Twentieth Century?1037 Words   |  5 Pagesworld through this journal. This journal could be considered as an attempt to interpret and reassess Mr. Keynes’ General Theory of Empoyment within the typical â€Å"classic† theory framework and compare Keynes’ view and classical economists’ view. Mr. Hicks starts with setting the typical classical theory in a form that is similar to that where Mr. Keynes does his. He makes the same assumptions for the theory as Mr. Keynes does, which is first, the quantity of factors of production is all fixed and secondRead MoreThe Theory Of The Classical School1694 Words   |  7 Pages The classical school is one of the economic thoughts; the key assumption of this school is that the market system is the most efficient system in the sense that the unencumbered market mechanism ensures the optimal allocation and utilisation of scarce resources. They also believed that â€Å"Supply creates its own demand.† (The early debate on policy atavism) In other words, in the process of producing output, businesses would also create enough income to ensure that all of the output will be sold.Read MoreThe Classical Political Economy Developed Theories And Discuss On Their Different Characteristics910 Words   |  4 Pagesconsume goods that they don’t produce they sell or provide services then the income they gain from the services they purchase the goods that they want to consume. In this paper I will discuss the developed theories of the classical political economy developed theories and discuss on their different characteristics. These theories were mainly conce rned with the changing aspects of economic growth in different centuries. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Oedipus Rex The Tragic Hero - 735 Words

Aristotle argues that in a tragedy a hero must possess a tragic flaw that leads to his or her ruin. An example that backs up this argument is Sophocles’s tragedian play, Oedipus Rex, in which its protagonist was a victim of such fatal flaws that caused ruination in his life. In this case, Oedipus tragic flaws were both his anger and his pride. Furthermore, the fate that Oedipus suffered because of such flaws not only caused his downfall, but also the death of those he cherished. The tragic flaws that Oedipus possessed made fate and free will be more conspicuous throughout the play; additionally, it showed how valuable these things are when making decisions. Sophocles first introduces what was considered one of Oedipus tragic flaw, in the†¦show more content†¦Such pride made Oedipus come into the city of Thebes where he married the widowed queen and began holding neglection towards his past and generously did his best to make the city of Thebes triumph. Oedipus was by now walking a one-way road straight to his ruin. As Oedipus life in Thebes seemed great, a plague came upon the city of Thebes and the only way to obliterate it was to uncover the murderer of King Laius. Oedipus promise to bring peace into Thebes made him determined to solve the mystery of the death of the previous king. However, Oedipus hamartia once again got in the way, only that this time it was not pride, but rather anger. Additionally, Oedipus comes upon a blind prophet that refuses to speak the truth of Lauis’s killer. Therefore, Oedipus, who was by now furious, states â€Å"I am so angry I shall not hold back a jot of what I think,† and ends up accusing the prophet of having killed King Lauis. On the contrary, the prophet shocked by such accusation told Oedipus that the murder he was so desperately seeking was Oedipus himself. After hearing what he believed were false accusations of him, Oedipus accused the prophet of treason for having conspired against his crown. Even though Oedipus obtained the answer he wa s so anxiously seeking, it was not what he wanted to hear; therefore, he took an innocent because of it. Indeed, it was obvious that Oedipus anger was impeding him from making the right decision whenever assemblingShow MoreRelatedOedipus Rex : A Tragic Hero882 Words   |  4 Pagestheir fates. In the case of Oedipus Rex, fate drove him into a downfall. Oedipus Rex is a part of the great Sophoclean play, written by Sophocles. Sophocles wrote this story to exemplify a tragic hero, he uses specific character flaws to explain the downfall of his hero. Oedipus is a perfect tragic hero because his early life forces the audience to admire as a privilege young man and also pity him as he falls into a crushing downfall towards the end. Oedipus’s tragic flaws are pride, persistenceRead MoreOedipus Rex : A Tragic Hero945 Words   |  4 Pagesfates. In the case of Oedipus Rex Fate drove him into a downfall. Oedipus Rex is a part of the great Sophoclean play, written by Sophocles. Soph ocles’ write this story to portray a tragic hero, using character flaws to explain his downfall. Oedipus is a perfect tragic hero because his whirlwind of a life force the audience to admire him in the beginning of the story as a privilege young man and also pity him a he falls into a crushing downfall. Sophocles intentionally gave Oedipus certain flaws becauseRead MoreOedipus Rex: Classic Tragic Hero921 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus is a classic tragic hero. According to Aristotles definition, Oedipus is a tragic hero because he is a king whose life falls apart when he finds out his life story. There are a number of characteristics described by Aristotle that identify a tragic hero. For example, a tragic hero must cause his own downfall; his fate is not deserved, and his punishment exceeds the crime; he also must be of noble stature and have greatness. Oedipus is in love with hisRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Sophocles Oedipus Rex972 Words   |  4 Pagesread across the world in modern-day. Oedipus Rex, a standout amongst the popular tragedies, is written by Sophocles. Within every tragedy play, one character takes the role of a grievous or tragic hero. As stated by Aristotle, certain attributes characterize a deplorable legend or a tragic hero. In Oedipus Rex, the fundamental character, Oedipus, carries imperfections as well as inevitable fate much like a tragic hero. A few of the qualities of a tragic hero consists of nobility and carrying flawsRead MoreThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex Essay1383 Words   |  6 PagesThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex According to the ancient Greeks and Aristotle the hero is a person who possesses superior qualities of mind and body, and who proves his superiority by doing great deeds of valor, strength, or intellect. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex the main character Oedipus possesses these characteristics of a true hero, which in turn lead to his self-destruction. In the beginning of the play Oedipuss great intellect is made known by the chorus who see him as someone who hasRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Oedipus Rex, And Willie Loman1204 Words   |  5 Pagesearliest theater critics, took it upon himself to define the dramatic tragedy. Aristotle believed that a tragedy could only be defined by a hero who is not totally just and flawless, but, at the same time, whose downfall isn’t linked to his own depravity. The reasoning behind this concept is simple to understand. Were there to be a completely virtuous hero with no flaws, no hamartia, as Aristotle describes it, there would be no sense of catharsis or enjoyment at watching horrible events afflictRead MoreAnalysis of Oedipus As an Aristotelian Tragic Hero in Sophocles Oedipus Rex1799 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Oedipus as an Aristotelian tragic hero Although one might be inclined to express uncertainty concerning the role of Sophocles Oedipus as a tragic hero (when regarding matters from a general point of view), the character perfectly fits Aristotles definition of a tragic hero. The protagonist in Oedipus Rex is noble and can be appreciated for his greatness, considering that he embodies a series of virtuous attributes. Even with this, he is not perfect and thus makes it possible for readers toRead More tragoed Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) as Ideal Tragic Hero1245 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus Rex as the Ideal Tragic Hero If we give ourselves up to a full sympathy with the hero, there is no question that the Oedipus Rex fulfills the function of a tragedy, and arouses fear and pity in the highest degree. But the modern reader, coming to the classic drama not entirely for the purpose of enjoyment, will not always surrender himself to the emotional effect. He is apt to worry about Greek fatalism and the justice of the downfall of Oedipus, and, finding no satisfactory solutionRead MoreEssay on Pride and the Tragic Hero in Oedipus Rex and Othello1217 Words   |  5 PagesPride and the Tragic Hero in Oedipus Rex and Othello   Ã‚  Ã‚   Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Most proud people will never consider themselves to be truly proud until they come face to face with the consequences of their pride. Sophocles and Shakespeare both address this dilemma in their plays Oedipus Rex and Othello. Through their nobility, their tragic flaws, the fall these flaws cause, and the suffering and wisdom they derive from these falls, Oedipus and Othello reveal the true characterRead MoreSophocles Oedipus Rex: The Epic and Tragic Hero in Myth and Culture2021 Words   |  8 PagesOutline- Background to story and structure Thesis the hero as both epic and tragic Oedipus Rex Theme and Plot The Epic and Tragic Hero in Myth and Culture How myth is ingrained, purpose Oedipus as a tragic Hero Formation of myth and commonalities with the everyman Aristotelian definition of hero Conclusions How Aristotles definition fits Oedipus Background- Within the rubric of the human experience we can find a number of commonalities that relate to psychology, culture, and the manner

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The University Of Hawaii At Manoa - 1967 Words

There are three schools students may have an interest in, these colleges are: Cal Poly Pomona, San Diego State University, and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The information a student could research are graduation rate, admission rate, jobs out of school, curriculum, greek life, and the student to faculty rate. With the curriculum set at each university, many courses are offered to potential students. After one earns a degree, based on a specific curriculum, schools try to help one student get a job once that pupil have graduated. In the upcoming paragraphs one student could participate on campus: the fun in engaging in greek life, or how in class, the student to faculty ratio may affect a student s learning. By gathering information†¦show more content†¦(California State Polytechnic University).There is a high application average for student who have applied here in just California. Hawaii University of Manoa states there details on there very own university.â€Å"Admi ssions Mar. 1 application deadline 77.9% accepted.† (University of Hawaii at Manoa Graduation Retention.) The average for admission is high due to the campus size and great curriculum. As one student reads farther into the essay they will see why the curriculum is great. In conclusion University of Manoa has the highest admission rate out of these three colleges. Graduation rate is when students enter a four-year degree program,and they complete within a six year period they are considered a graduates for that year.At the University of Cal Poly Pomona there website states that there average is higher than the school has predicted.â€Å"Our six-year graduation rate is 52 percent, higher than the national average of 44 percent.†(California State Polytechnic University). Knowing that the percentage is higher than they have expected this means that it is good for the school publicity. Even though San Diego University doesn t have that high of a graduation rate their percentage is still above average.â€Å"Based on the caliber of students that attend San Diego State University we would expect an overall graduation rate of 54.2%, however, students are graduating at a rate that is 11.8% higher.†(San Diego Graduation Rate.) However, San Diego State University is

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Defense in Depth

Question: Discuss about theDefense in Depth. Answer: Introduction The computer network and systems in todays world is becoming increasingly prone to the threats of various kinds of attacks that are sophisticated in nature and has been recognized as a matter of concern in the information industry today. There is a need to create stronger defenses against these attacks and this is accepted by the corporate organizations as these attacks contain multiple exploits (Ahmad and Maynard, 2013). These security organizations are on a constant lookout for counter measures in order to improve their defensive potential. A defense in depth is a military principle using multiple security counter measure in a coordinated manner that helps to protect the probity of the information in an organization. It is a strategy which makes it difficult for an enemy to tackle a system that is multi layered in nature instead of single barrier (Rocha, Gros and Moorsel, 2013). Various Components of Defense and their Importance: The core idea behind the defense in depth is to combine various components of technology in order to build up a management of good security which would in turn form many layers of defensive mechanism for the protection against external intrusions. Before forming the component parts of a defensive mechanism one needs to follow certain procedures like a setting up a team of security professionals who are experienced led by a security chief who would be behind the engineering of a defense in depth formula .(Wilkinson, Batke, Hall and Jasper, 2011). The policies that define clearly the uses of the corporate computer networks and resources should be well communicated so that it enables the users to clearly understand the potential threats to the vulnerable information assets. Finally, training happens to be important for the people who would be the first ones to respond if an incident occurs (Wilkinson, Batke, Hall and Jasper, 2011). The defense in depth consists of various components and it is these components that help it to function effectively and smoothly. Each component is interconnected to one another and complements each other in such a way that a complete security scenario is created. Going by the broad categories the defense in depth primarily entails the internal network, the perimeter and most importantly a human factor (Liu and Cheung, 2012). These together consist of many components of their own without which it would not be sufficient to secure networks of computers. The components that are going to be discussed below, used for defense in depth are primarily: Firewalls which are found in both hardware as well as software The anti-spyware programs for software Hierarchical passwords Biometric verification in hardware or software Intrusion detection system both in hardware or software. Along with these, there are some other components which include physical protection and personnel training, both being external in nature. Both these components are related to the people who are handling the computers and they must be well trained to comply with the defense mechanisms (Jajodia, Noel and Kalapa, 2011). Firewalls: This is a kind of software that is used for protecting the personal computers from any hacking attacks or malware. This can be accessed easily by the masses and can be also downloaded from any security companies that are trustworthy. The two kinds of firewalls that a usually found are the hardware firewalls that uses the computer like an appliance enabling to run the software that helps in blocking the traffic from outside that is unwanted (Mensch and Wilkie, 2011). Furthermore the firewall appliance can be updated with new regulations to prevent threats that are evolving or direct malware or hacks. If the new rules are updated then this software would help to protect all the machines that are attached to the computer network. The software firewall makes use of modern techniques like port filtering, application level filtering and stateful packet inspection in a combined manner. This software is made a part of the operating systems, for example, in case of Windows it is presented as an application that helps to run a stand-alone computer which helps in guarding the entire network (Chen and Zhao, 2012). The firewall software is capable of detecting new connections that is not present in the set of regulations provided and one can either accept or reject the new connection request on this basis. Anti-spyware programs: This is a kind of program that is created to defend and detect any spyware programs that are, if in case installed in the computer and are unwanted in nature. This program may also help in removing these programs if they are already installed. Spyware is a kind of malware that could be installed in the computer without the user even knowing it. These spyware collect information about the user without their knowledge. Lavesson , Boldt and Davidsson , 2011).The anti-spyware programs helps in monitoring any incoming data via any emails or from websites or for that matter from any files that are downloaded on the computer. This in turn helps to prevent the spyware programs to invade the operating system of the computer. Anti-spyware programs can be useful in blocking not only spyware but also viruses (Seybert and Loof, 2010). Hierarchical passwords: This program is designed in such a manner where a set of passwords are computed in a hierarchical structure where the password that is present at the higher level in hierarchy has greater autonomy in giving permission that the passwords that a present in the lower level of the hierarchy. This security system is also known as multilevel password protection. This is a special security feature that helps to protect the computer, its network or any database from any unauthorized usage. The password set in the linear order enable the users to have control over the host machine at various levels (Main and Johnson, 2010). When a password identifies the entry of a password in the system of hierarchy, the access to all applications in the application group that is associated with that password is automatically activated. The same process is followed in the lower hierarchy of password as well. Biometric verification: A technology that helps in identifying a person in any system with the help of his distinguished biological characteristics. This is a full proof and unique system of identifying any person and the identifiers generally include signatures, fingerprints, iris and retina patterns, DNA, geometry of the hands or ear or even the voice waves of a person (Vacca, 2012). The system that is locked with the help of biometric verification can be only accessed when the same person puts forward the pattern be it the fingerprint or any other traits. When the password is set using such biological characteristics, it is stored in the database of the computer, which helps in identifying this analog data afterwards. With the beginning of computerized databases and the digitization of the data the personal identification with the help of biometric verification has become almost instant. (Horng , Su , Chen , Kao and Chen , 2011). Intrusion detection (ID): This system is a security management technique which could be used in both networks as well computer. Intrusion detection helps to identify security breaches that are possibly present in the network or the computer which includes both the misuse that could be from within the organization itself or external intrusions. It collects data and gathers information about these possible breaches. ID makes use of vulnerability assessment, often called scanning, a technology that is utilized for the assessment of computers and its networks. Potential Risks of these Components: As already discussed that all the various components together form the defense in depth and even if one goes missing, it can pose a threat to the security of the organization. If the firewalls be it hardware or software is missing from the component then it is likely that the security risk is likely to increase. If the operating system does not have firewall of its own it is prone to malware and other external hackings. As anti-spyware programs are equally important as an anti-virus system in the computer, if they are not used it would make an organizations computers available to the outside world. This means that the data contained in these computers also become vulnerable (Liao, Lin, Lin and Tung, 2013). If not installed, the detection of any spyware present in the computer without the knowledge of the user becomes impossible thus making posing a threat to the computer as well the identity of the user and the organization. The hierarchical password if not designed and included in the security of the organization, makes the networks and computer systems vulnerable to risks related to password authentication. It makes is easier to capture the network traffic and gain control over the networks. The password as they are encrypted would have made it almost impossible to attain it and thus capture the traffic. Furthermore is not something that is stored by the clients, thus if not installed, makes the network easily accessible. As the biometric verification cannot be easily copied or duplicated, if not set up makes it very easy for hackers to access and gain control over the data that might be sensitive in nature. This would also increase the risk of identity swapping or undocumented access or even credential replacement in an organization (Vacca, 2012). Lastly, if intrusion detection is not installed, the malicious entry of any unknown attacks would not be detected by the computer network. The analysis of the on-going traffic or any other transaction would not be possible. Also the distinction between the baseline behaviour andon-going activities was near to impossible if not for the intrusion detection. Conclusion: The defense in depth seeks to minimize the possibilities of vindictive hackers to get hold of vulnerable information. Defense in depth is such a mechanism that would provide security to the computer network in a manner that even if one of the defensive mechanisms fails to succeed, the other will in the position to tackle the attack. References: Ahmad, A., Maynard, S. B., Park, S. (2014). 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